2018-2019 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 20, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • NSG 612 Evidence-Based Practice Synthesis for Primary Care

    2 credits

    Knowledge of integrated evidence-based practice is synthesized as students carry out a capstone EBP project, in collaboration with their clinical preceptors in the primary care setting. Using a small-group seminar approach, students are guided through the implementation, evaluation and dissemination of results.

    Prerequisite(s): NSG 607 , NSG 610  
    Corequisite(s): NSG 611  

Occupational Therapy

  • OT 103 Introduction to Occupational Therapy

    3 credits

    The course will introduce students to the profession of occupational therapy and to the Misericordia University Occupational Therapy program, curriculum, policies, and procedures. Specific topics will include: American Occupational Therapy Association policies and documents, the OT Practice Framework, the history of the profession and professional roles and responsibilities in various contexts.

    Prerequisite(s): OT major
  • OT 205 Occupation: Theories and Perspectives I

    3 credits

    This course studies the nature of occupation and the occupational nature of human beings. It is an exploration of the biological, psychological, social, and cultural elements of occupational behavior. It will analyze the impact of occupation on the evolution of the individual, motivation, autonomy, a sense of competence, social efficacy, role learning, quality of life and adaptation styles. Students will study the dimension and characteristics of human occupation including the real and symbolic aspects and the performance imperatives of various occupations. Through a series of laboratory experiences in the classroom and community, students will expand their personal occupational repertoire, leadership skills and understand a framework for occupational analysis using their own experience as a point of reference.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 103 
  • OT 220 Human Development Through Occupation I

    3 credits

    In this course, development from birth through adolescence will be studied both from the viewpoints of psychology, occupational science and occupational therapy. An understanding of the biosocial, cognitive, psychosocial, and spiritual changes as a person ages will be presented. How engaging in human occupation influences the life process will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s): OT Major
  • OT 221 Human Development Through Occupation II

    3 credits

    In this course, adult development will be studied from the viewpoints of psychology, occupational science, and occupational therapy. The influences of biosocial, cognitive, psychosocial, and spiritual changes as a person ages will be presented. Engagement in human occupat ion and how it influences the developmental and life processes will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 220  
  • OT 275 Occupation: Theories and Perspectives II

    3 credits

    Through a variety of experiences in purposeful activity, students will explore the dimensions and characteristics of human occupation. This will include the real and symbolic aspects of the activity and the performance imperatives of various occupations. The focus of analysis will be on occupations as experienced by others- individually, in groups, and in society. Through experiential activities, students expand their activity repertoire, their advocacy skills, and their understanding of activity analysis. Literature from the field of occupational science is incorporated.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 205  
  • OT 312 Applied Functional Anatomy

    4 credits

    This course will provide the student with a detailed understanding of the musculoskeletal anatomy of the limbs, trunk, neck, and head in humans. Since this understanding is critical to enhance the ability of the student to work with clients with disabilities, it is considered as a foundation for the study of occupational therapy intervention. The focus of the course will be on how bones and muscles work to produce movement. Case studies will be used to facilitate learning. The course will include some content on the nerves and blood supply to these organs, as they influence function.

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 211 , BIO 212 , OT 320 , PHY 117 
  • OT 313 Applied Neuroscience

    4 credits

    This course addresses neuroanatomy and basic neurophysiology as they relate to developing body structures and functions and their influence on occupational performance. Students will apply neurological concepts, conditions and testing to case studies using clinical reasoning.

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 211 , BIO 212 , OT 320  
  • OT 320 Impairments and Disabilities Influencing Occupational Performance

    3 credits

    This course will introduce students to common conditions seen by occupational therapists. The course will also introduce students to medical terminology, International Classification of Function, Disability and Health and the OT Practice Framework. Students will analyze the impact of each condition on occupational performance and identify the role of occupational therapy.

    Prerequisite(s): OT major
  • OT 330 Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy

    3 credits

    Students conduct an in-depth exploration of occupational therapy through the study of its history, philosophy, frames of reference and leaders. Emphasis will be on the application, integration and analysis of current and emerging theories and frames of reference that impact the occupational therapy process.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 103 , OT 220  
  • OT 335 Context and Environment

    3 credits

    The course will explore the impact of the non-human components of the environment on the functional performance of individuals with disabilities, and environmental adaptations (including assistive technologies) that allow a person with a disability to function more fully in the environment. The course will examine the affect of lighting, temperature, visual and auditory stimuli, and physical structure on the cognitive, physical, and emotional performance of individuals with disabilities, and how these factors influence control, independence, and freedom of the individual.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 103 , OT 205 , OT 220 , OT 320  
  • OT 360 Non-Traditional Settings and Occupational Therapy Practices: Working with Homeless Populations

    3 credits

    This elective course will introduce the occupational therapy student to issues surrounding a lack of access to health care, specifically occupational therapy services, for adults from an underserved population – the homeless. 150 minutes/lecture discussion will occur each week, and be supplemented by service learning based field trips. One major field trip will occur over fall break and involve volunteering at a regional homeless shelter. Throughout the semester, field trips to a local community based homeless shelter will also occur.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor, students enrolled in the OT weekday program years 2-4
  • OT 405 Occupational Performance Analysis

    3 credits

    This course addresses the evaluation system used by occupational therapists in practice including the development of an occupational profile and an occupational performance analysis. Selected interview, observational, standardized, and non-standardized assessment instruments will be covered.

    Prerequisite(s): All 100 and 200 level OT courses.
    Corequisite(s): OT 407  
  • OT 407 Clinical Skills

    3 credits

    Students will be introduced to mobility skills, splinting, therapeutic exercise, physical agent modalities, critical care issues, positioning and basic handling techniques, and professional behavior issues. Students will identify, describe, explain and demonstrate basic skills in the areas of mobility, splinting, therapeutic exercise, physical agent modalities, proper positioning and basic handling techniques and critical care related issues.

    Prerequisite(s): All 100 and 200 level OT courses.
    Corequisite(s): OT 405  
  • OT 430 Sensory Integration

    3 credits

    The purpose of this course is to prepare the student to implement the occupational therapy process with consumers affected by sensory integrative disorders and to be knowledgeable about factors that impact service delivery. Thorough review of SI theory, neurology, evaluation techniques, and treatment options will be discussed. In-class exercises and out-of-class assignments will be provided to improves students’ clinical reasoning skills and increase students’ self-confidence with the new content of the course. Occupation based interventions will be encouraged. Elective course;

    Prerequisite(s): OT 510  
  • OT 433 Evidence-based Practice

    3 credits

    Students will be introduced to the topic of evidence-based practice. Students will develop a clinical question, gather current published evidence, complete a critical review of the evidence, summarize and present the results of the critical appraisal process.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 520  
  • OT 450 Pediatric Assessment

    3 credits

    This course is designed to provide students with an intermediate level of understanding of the process of pediatric assessment and evaluation in occupational therapy. The course will focus on the full process of occupational therapy assessment including referral sources, identifying appropriate evaluation tools, clinical observations, standardized tests, report writing, evaluation accommodations and the reporting of assessment results. In-class exercises and out-of-class assignments will be provided to improve students’ clinical reasoning skills and increase students’ self-confidence with the new content of the course.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 405 , OT 407  
  • OT 460 Pediatric Occupational Performance Interventions I

    4 credits

    This course will focus on occupational therapy intervention strategies for pediatric populations. Models of practice, theories, and frames of reference guide the intervention process for individuals whose occupational performance is affected by various developmental, physical, and psychosocial conditions. Screening, assessment, formulation of intervention plans, treatment implementation, discontinuation of services, and documentation of services are all aspects covered in the course. This is done in accordance with the profession’s standards of practice and code of ethics.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 405 , OT 407 
  • OT 461 Research Design in Occupational Therapy

    3 credits

    This course will present the principles and processes involved in clinically relevant research. Qualitative and quantitative approaches will be reviewed and analyzed related to their strengths, limitations, and practical uses. The application of appropriate research methods to occupational therapy clinical research will be stressed

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 115 , OT 405  
  • OT 462 Level I Fieldwork – Pediatrics

    0 credit

    This Level I fieldwork experience includes observation, interaction with pediatric clients and other health care professionals, participation in the intervention process under direct supervision, developing an understanding of the needs of clients, and evaluation of the student’s performance in these areas.

    Corequisite(s): OT 460  
  • OT 470 Non-Traditional Settings and Occupational Therapy Practices: Working with International Populations – Jamaica

    3 credits

    This elective course will introduce the occupational therapy student to work with culturally diverse populations in an international setting. Specifically, this course will provide an opportunity for students to develop cultural competency in relation to Jamaican culture, as the course includes a week-long immersion experience in a pediatric health care facility in Jamaica. During the semester, students and faculty will conduct a needs assessment, develop, implement and evaluate programs to meet the needs of the children at this facility.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor, students enrolled in the OT weekday program years 3-5
  • OT 511 Adult Occupational Performance Interventions II

    4 credits

    This course will focus on intervention strategies for adults with physical disabilities and psychosocial dysfunction. Intervention II Adults also examines models of practice, theories and frames of reference. The process of intervention, which this course series emphasizes, includes: screening, assessment, formulation of intervention plans, implementation, discontinuation of services, and documentation of services. This is done in accordance with the profession’s standards of practice and code of ethics.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 510  
  • OT 512 Geriatric Occupational Performance Interventions III

    4 credits

    The Geriatric Occupational Performance Interventions III course teaches intervention skills required by the practicing occupational therapist. The process of intervention which this course emphasizes includes: screening, assessment, formulation of intervention plans, treatment implementation, discontinuation of services, and documentation of services. This is done in accordance with the profession’s standards of practice and code of ethics.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 511  
  • OT 532 Community-based Practice

    3 credits

    This course is designed to introduce the student to community based practice settings and to help the student develop the necessary skills to work in emerging areas of practice within the profession. Students will explore the current trends that reflect a shift in the delivery of occupational therapy services from traditional settings to health promotion and wellness programs in the community. Throughout the course students will identify and critique programs that promote access to occupational therapy and explore occupation-centered programs at community based agencies that serve various groups and populations. Emphasis will be placed on underserved populations living in the community and/or at-risk populations including children and youth, adults and older adults.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 405 , OT 407 
  • OT 592 Level I Fieldwork – Adults

    0 credit

    This Level I fieldwork experience includes; observation, interaction with adult clients and other health care professionals, participation in the intervention process under direct supervision, developing an understanding of the needs of clients, and evaluation of the student’s performance in these areas.

    Corequisite(s): OT 511  
  • OT 593 Level I Fieldwork- Older Adults

    0 credit

    This Level I fieldwork experience includes observation, interaction with older adult clients and other health care professionals, participation in the intervention process under direct supervision, developing an understanding of the needs of clients, and evaluation of the student’s performance in these areas.

    Corequisite(s): OT 512  
  • OT 601 Level II Fieldwork I

    7 credits

    During this 12 week in-depth course students deliver Occupational Therapy services to clients through research-based interventions which are purposeful, meaningful, and occupation-based. They also gain exposure to the management and administration of occupational therapy programs. In this course students practice occupational therapy in site-specific areas of practice under the supervision of an occupational therapy fieldwork educator. This course also has a distance learning component via a Blackboard course through which an instructor assists students integrate concepts they learned in prior coursework with clinical reasoning practices and skills they are learning on fieldwork. This course may span more than one semester; if so, the student will register for OT 601A, and then register for OT 601B in the following semester, not to exceed 7 credits combined.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 460  , OT 511 , OT 512  
  • OT 601A Level II Fieldwork I

    2 credits

    See OT 601  

  • OT 601B Level II Fieldwork I

    5 credits

    See OT 601  

  • OT 602 Level II Fieldwork II

    7 credits

    During this 12 week in-depth course students deliver Occupational Therapy services to clients through research-based interventions which are purposeful, meaningful, and occupation-based. They also gain exposure to the management and administration of occupational therapy programs. In this course students practice occupational therapy in site-specific areas of practice under the supervision of an occupational therapy fieldwork educator. This course also has a distance learning component via a Blackboard course through which an instructor assists students integrate concepts they learned in prior coursework with clinical reasoning practices and skills they are learning on fieldwork. This course may span more than one semester; if so, the student will register for OT 601A, and then register for OT 601B in the following semester, not to exceed 7 credits combined.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 460  , OT 511 , OT 512  
  • OT 602A Level II Fieldwork II

    3 credits

    See OT 602  

  • OT 602B Level II Fieldwork II

    4 credits

    See OT 602  

  • OT 610 Elective: Special Topics in Occupational Therapy Practice

    3 credits

    Specialized areas of occupational therapy practice will be discussed; these will include, but are not limited to, hand therapy, sign language, assessment in pediatric practice, pediatric splinting, introduction to neuordevelopmental intervention techniques, and a series of courses offered in other disciplines within the College of Health Sciences. Topics vary each year depending upon the student interest and the availability of faculty with professional specialty expertise.

    Prerequisite(s): By permission of the instructor and advisor.
  • OT 615 Evidence-based Practice

    3 credits

    This course is designed to provide an extensive overview of evidence-based practice. Students will complete an in-depth evidence-based project related to occupational therapy practice. Students will develop a clinical question, gather current published evidence, complete a critical review of the evidence, and summarize and present the results of the critical appraisal process.

  • OT 625 Adolescent and Early Adulthood Issues in Autism

    3 credits

    This course investigates the lifespan challenges of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders transitioning through adolescence and participating in life as young adults. The student will participate in an active exploration of issues of the client with autism including: adolescent social and learning abilities, young adult vocational success, adult transition to independent living, and aging impacts. The student will learn how to evaluate and establish community-based treatment plans to support adolescent and adult clients with autism in attaining and sustaining the most independent living possible. The student will also gain knowledge in establishing clear resource support for their clients in the community.

  • OT 630 Occupational Therapy Issues and Trends

    2 credits

    This course will review important issues and trends in the profession of occupational therapy. Students will explore, discuss, and critically analyze, important concepts and happenings in the field. Course content will include the philosophical base of O.T., occupation, health care trends, managed care, professional development, the team approach, inclusion, cultural diversity, occupation-centered and client-centered therapy, service delivery, practice specialty areas, role delineation, professional autonomy, reimbursement, legislation, advocacy, documentation systems, evidence-based practice and emerging areas of practice.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 601  or OT 602  
  • OT 635 Assistive Technology

    This course is designed to offer therapists and educators a detailed knowledge and skill level in the areas service provision involving the use of Assistive Technology. These can be low or high tech solutions and can impact areas of gross motor, fine motor, speech and language, self-feeding, social/adaptive play skill domains and education/learning. On site classes include experiential lab and introduction to low and high tech devices.

  • OT 640 Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

    3 credits

    This elective course offers students the opportunity to learn hand and upper extremity anatomy and physiology, orthotic fabrication skills, and occupation-based treatment approaches to facilitate the healing process for those who suffer from upper extremity pathologies. The process of intervention which this course emphasizes includes: screening, assessment, formulation of intervention plans, treatment implementation, discontinuation of services, and documentation of services. This is done in accordance with the profession’s standards of practice and code of ethics.

  • OT 645 Vision Rehabilitation

    3 credits

    This course is designed to provide the occupational therapist with an understanding of the principles of the visual system and its influences upon daily activities for patients. The course will discuss vision problems and appropriate therapies. The course will have a major emphasis on treatment protocols and outcomes with computer assisted therapies.

  • OT 670 Occupational Therapy Management and Supervision

    3 credits

    Students in the course will learn about the responsibilities of the occupational therapist in administrative, supervisory, and entrepreneurial roles. The influence of theory, practice and reimbursement regulations, and ethics on occupational therapy service management issues are examined. Topics include strategic planning, facility planning, program planning, accreditation, continuous quality improvement, marketing, management theories, supervisory styles, state licensure regulations, OTR/COTA role delineation, and liability/malpractice issues and insurance. Students in the course will gain skills in financial management, including program funding, third party reimbursement, and budgeting. Opportunities for the occupational therapy entrepreneur are explored, including private practice, consultation, and other innovative occupational therapy business endeavors.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 460 , OT 511  
  • OT 690 Research Project I

    3 credits

    Students will begin a research project that contributes to the knowledge-base of occupational therapy; the outcome will include a paper acceptable for publication in a professional journal or presentation at a state or national conference.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 520  
  • OT 695 Research Project II

    3 credits

    Students will complete a research project that contributes to the knowledge-base of occupational therapy; the outcome will include a paper or presentation acceptable for publication in a professional journal.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 690  
  • OT 699 Practice Exam Preparation

    0 credit

    This is a required non-credit course which will provide students with the opportunity to take a series of practice and content examinations designed to help prepare them to sit for the NBCOT Examination. As a requirement for graduation, all weekday and weekend program occupational therapy students are required to successfully complete this university-offered NBCOT certification examination preparation course. Successful completion is determined by successful passing of the practice examination. This course is offered two times per year- once in the spring weekday program, and once in a summer weekend format. Students may repeat OT 699 an unlimited number of times until they pass the practice examination; once they have passed the practice exam they may proceed to graduate if all other requirements are met.

    Prerequisite(s): OT 601  or OT 602  

Occupational Therapy Post-Professional Doctorate

  • OTD 620 Advanced Theory

    3 credits

    This course will examine the current and classic literature as it pertains to theory development and analysis and its relationship to macro and micro models, and comparative analysis of frames of reference for practice and research. There will be consideration of both basic and applied knowledge as it pertains to the study of occupational therapy as an applied science and the science of occupation as an academic discipline. This course will be offered in a combination on-campus launch and distance online learning format.

    Fall semester
  • OTD 625 Supporting Practice through Public Policy and Advocacy

    3 credits

    Students will analyze current state and federal public policy issues and the impact on the delivery of occupational therapy services. Students will develop knowledge related to public policy formation and acquire advanced skills in advocacy. This course will be offered in a combination of on-campus meetings and distance online learning.

    Spring semester
  • OTD 640 Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Quality Programs

    3 credits

    Through didactic and problem based learning, students will explore program assessment tools and complete needs assessments. Students will learn the value of developing a program mission, strategic plan, and operational tactics in the development of a successful allied health based program. Students will gain knowledge about budgeting, marketing, and revenue sources in order to ensure their developed program is underscored with financial responsibility. This course will be offered in a combination of on campus meetings and distance online learning.

    Fall semester
  • OTD 641 Evidence-based Practice

    3 credits

    Students will demonstrate knowledge of evidence-based practice and complete an in-depth evidence-based project related to occupational therapy practice. Students will develop a clinical question (relevant and applicable to their area of practice or specialization), gather current published evidence, complete a critical review of the evidence, summarize and present the results of the critical appraisal process. This course will be offered in a combination on-campus launch and distance online learning format.

    Fall semester
  • OTD 642 Advanced Research

    3 credits

    The doctorally trained clinician in occupational therapy must have a solid understanding of not only research basics, but how to use that knowledge to solve problems in their clinical practice. This course will provide educational experiences that foster advanced knowledge and application of research principles in both the quantitative and qualitative paradigms to the clinician’s practice areas.

    Summer semester
  • OTD 643 Education, Presentation and Publication

    3 credits

    Students will develop professional skills related to providing well constructed educational sessions, promoting occupational therapy through dissemination of their clinical and scholarly work. Topics will include preparing curricular objectives and means to obtain them; proposal submission for conference presentations; using technology to promote effective presentations and writing for practice oriented and scholarly journals.

  • OTD 644 Occupational Science

    3 credits

    Occupational science, also known as occupationology, is the study of occupation. Occupation is “all ‘doing’ that has intrinsic and extrinsic meaning” (Wilcock, p. 257). The occupational therapy profession is becoming increasingly reliant on occupational science as a cornerstone of research and knowledge which justifies the use of occupation in therapeutic intervention. The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge of the history, evolution, and current state of the occupational science discipline, and how occupational science can be used as a framework for occupational therapy assessment and intervention.

    Spring semester
  • OTD 650 Capstone Course

    3 credits

    This course design engages doctoral students to advance their clinical reasoning and competence in a pre-identified, specialized area of practice. Through participation in this course, students will be able to identify the most relevant issues impacting the role of occupational therapy in their designated specialty area. They will complete readings in relevant literature, engage in communication exchanges with a professional leader in their identified area, and conclude their capstone project with a product reflecting the extent of their learning. Students will be assigned a faculty capstone advisor and participate in mandatory online modules embedded throughout the course to help guide the student during their capstone experience.

    Summer semester

Organizational Management

  • OM 500 Organizational Behavior

    3 credits

    Social and behavioral science approaches to the study of human activity in organizations are studied. The course is designed to equip administrators with skills for managing interactions, differences, and relationships in organizational settings.

  • OM 505 Decision Making

    3 credits

    A study of decision-making in complex human service organizations is the basis of this course. Examination of a variety of conceptual frameworks to enable administrators to develop an evaluative design for ethical, effective, and efficient decision making is included.

  • OM 509 Financial Management

    3 credits

    This course is an introduction to the financial system and its relationship to the financing of business activities. The course emphasizes areas dealing with corporate financing decisions such as time value of money, security valuation, financial statement analysis, and financial forecasting.

  • OM 510 Financial Management I

    3 credits

    This course is an introduction to basic economic theory, accounting principles, budget theory and practice, and financial control procedures necessary to the successful manager. Designed for the non-financial manager and presupposes little or no previous education or experience in finance.

  • OM 511 Financial Management II

    3 credits

    This course applies the basic skills mastered in Financial Management I through case studies of public and private organizations. Emphasis on integrating financial considerations with other management considerations when analyzing and solving problems, and in planning. Investments, borrowing, information systems, and financial analysis are covered.

    Prerequisite(s): OM 510  
  • OM 512 Management Science

    3 credits

    Management Science is concerned with providing advice, analysis, and support to decision makers based on a scientific approach and looking systematically at goals, scarce resources, and decision implementation. This course provides students with a conceptual understanding of the role that management science plays in the decision-making process, introduces students to procedures used to solve problems, and explores the procedures to review and interpret management literature and to determine the characteristics of quality research in the field of management.

  • OM 515 Research Methods

    3 credits

    Provides students with an understanding of the concepts, principles, and techniques associated with the investigation of specific research problems in organizational behavior and management.

  • OM 516 Introduction to Qualitative Research

    3 credits

    This course introduces the student to the nature and importance of qualitative research. Case study, grounded theory, historical and ethnographic methods are explored. Examples of qualitative research are analyzed, especially program evaluation.

  • OM 520 Introduction to Management Information Systems

    3 credits

    Review and application of basic computer concepts, methods, and information systems techniques that contribute to business decision making and organizational performance. Topics include operating systems and hardware, graphics, desktop publishing, analysis and design, databases, communications, decision support systems, and artificial intelligence and robotics.

  • OM 525 Human Services Systems

    3 credits

    An integrated seminar that examines the programs and policies of the major human service areas, with emphasis on the dynamics of the system as it evolves. Topics for discussion include aging, adult services, children and youth, drugs and alcohol, and health, mental health/mental retardation.

  • OM 527 Selection, Recruitment, and Training/Development

    3 credits

    An in-depth examination of the recruitment and selection process and the training and development function. The course develops the key relationships among recruitment, selection and training/development of employees and explores the impact these functions have on organizational competitiveness and success. The course emphasizes the importance of proper recruitment, selection and training/development.

  • OM 530 Legal Aspects of Administration

    3 credits

    This course provides students with an understanding of legal aspects of administrative action that includes the sources and scope of administrative authority and the function of the legal process. Case method of decision analysis is utilized, supplemented by lecture and discussion.

  • OM 531 Public Relations, Communications, and the Media in Sport

    3 credits

    Also offered as MBA 530 . May not be taken if credit previously earned for MBA 530 . This course is designed to examine the complex relationship between sport organizations and media outlets and the varying types of communication used in sport. This course explores public relations as a vital organization function in sports, rather than just a tool that supports marketing efforts or piques media interest. In addition to covering all aspects of public relations, this course challenges students to assume the role of a public relations professional tasked with developing items like a media relations plan, community relations activities, and a crisis communication plan. Also, this course addresses the need for reputation management and the unique challenges professional and amateur athletes present to sport organizations and their public images.

  • OM 533 Managing Customer Satisfaction

    3 credits

    This course is a detailed analysis of the value chain concept and the essential interrelationships among logistics, production and operations, specification preparation, bid analysis, and vendor analysis. Emphasis is on how total integration of these concepts leads to customer satisfaction.

  • OM 535 Leadership

    3 credits

    This course is an analysis of the effectiveness of various leadership styles on a continuum from authoritarian to participative. Emphasis will be on the impact of style on productivity, morale, commitment, and achievement of strategies and goals.

  • OM 536 Marketing Management

    3 credits

    An analytical approach to the study of marketing issues. Focus is on influence of the market place and the marketing environment, on decision making in regard to the determination of the organization’s services, fee structures, channels and strategies of communication and the organization’s system for planning and controlling its marketing effort.

  • OM 538 Perspectives in Management

    3 credits

    This course focuses on the changing nature of management in response to new challenges in the internal and external managerial environment. Emphasis is placed on the problem-solving aspects of the managerial process. Special areas include globalization of the decision-making/problem-solving process, motivation for performance, and fostering an atmosphere for innovation and creativity.

  • OM 540 Grant/Contract Development and Management

    3 credits

    Systematic approach to the mechanics, techniques, and issues involved in external funding. Covers the pre-application phase, the application phase, the post-application phase, and the administration phase of grant/contract development and management.

  • OM 541 Not-For-Profit Management

    3 credits

    An examination of the management principles and practices as particularly applied to the not-for-profit sector. Topics include board relations, staff effectiveness, fund-raising, marketing, financial information systems, management information systems, governmental relations, legal resources, and use of consultants.

  • OM 542 Fund-raising: Theory and Application

    3 credits

    This course is designed for the current or prospective administrator. Focus is on mechanics of fund-raising, the tools of the fund-raiser, and the types of fund-raising activities applicable to both public and private sectors. This course considers the role of institutional development in the 1990s.

  • OM 543 Assessment in Not-For-Profit Organizations

    3 credits

    This course is an introduction to the purposes and practices of program assessment and evaluation with special emphasis on the not-for-profit sector. Topics include: purpose of evaluation; evaluation planning; techniques of evaluation; need, process and outcomes evaluation; and effective application of findings.

  • OM 545 Introduction to Human Resource Management

    3 credits

    This course is an introduction to human resource management. It provides a broad overview in such areas as history and definition of the human resource process, human resource management functions, recurring themes in human resource management including issues of protected classes such as women and the disabled, alternative views, and current and future challenges in the field.

  • OM 547 Healthcare Finance

    3 credits

    (Also offered as MBA 547 ) This course blends the topics of both accounting and finance that have become part of the everyday life of most healthcare executives. This course will proved the student with the knowledge to help them understand the conceptual basis and mechanics of financial analysis and decision making and its application to the healthcare industry.

  • OM 548 Healthcare Law

    3 credits

    (Also offered as MBA 548 ) This course is designed to introduce the student to the law and legal system in healthcare as to both the theoretical and practical determinants of legal decision making.

  • OM 549 Healthcare Leadership and Management

    3 credits

    (Also offered as MBA 549 ) This course provides an introduction and overview to leadership, management, and administration in health care. It is intended to provide fundamental background and skills needed for a leadership position in health care. The course examines comparative leadership strategies, integrating with readings, lectures, case study and guest lectures which will examine different managerial approaches to solving complex issues. The course will also include a detailed examination of large, complex health care systems, and the organizations that form the systems, comparing them to international health systems. It provides a forum for discussion of the dynamic nature of the health care system in the U.S., with particular emphasis on the challenges of governmental, regulatory, and other legal requirements in this era of health care reform.

  • OM 550 Personnel and Labor Relations

    3 credits

    Basic concepts, issues, and practices involved in personnel administration and labor relations are studied. Emphasis on the successful management of human resources.

  • OM 551 Organizational Communication

    3 credits

    This course is designed to develop skills in communication to promote organizational goal setting, coherence, and effective teamwork.

  • OM 552 Regulation of Human Resource Management

    3 credits

    Also offered as MBA 552 . This course is an examination of the legal environment of the workplace and its impact on the human resource function. Compliance with state and federal laws and regulations will be emphasized. It offers an overview of the statutory scheme regulating employment and labor relations, presented primarily through pertinent statutes and their judicial interpretation (case law). Topics include, but are not limited to, issues of discrimination in the workplace, labor relations, health and safety issues, and employment standards.

  • OM 553 Fundamentals of Employment Benefit Planning

    3 credits

    This course is an in-depth study of the evolution and development of employee benefit programs. Current practices and their applicability to various organizations is examined.

  • OM 554 Current Issues in Human Resource Management

    3 credits

    This seminar, designed for the study of timely and significant issues in human resource management, examines current trends and relevant problem-solving techniques in human resource management.

  • OM 555 Administration of Human Resources

    3 credits

    This course examines the theory, policy, and process issues in employment relationships including specific practices in selection, appraisal, compensation, and discipline as they relate to conceptual views of management.

  • OM 556 Policy/Procedure Development in Human Resource Management

    3 credits

    This course studies the development and implementation of policies relevant to human resource administration. Focus is on the relationship between government policy and corporate policy and influence of management philosophy for policy planning. Discussion on expected and unexpected outcomes of policy decisions is included.

  • OM 557 Performance, Compensation, and Reward Systems

    3 credits

    Also offered as MBA 557 . This course explores the performance appraisal function and process and its linkage to compensation system development, including performance-based pay and benefits (total compensation strategies), and to reward systems.

    Prerequisite(s): OM 545  
  • OM 558 Employee Relations and Services

    3 credits

    Also offered as MBA 558 . The course examines employee relation issues including management systems and procedures, job design, work environment, and growth and development. Additionally, students study employee services ranging from employee assistance programs and counseling to child and elder care.

  • OM 559 Special Topics in Human Resource Management

    3 credits

    This course is an examination of selected topics relevant to human resource management. Possible topics include training and staff development, employee assistance programming, governmental relations strategies, time management, and effective supervision.

  • OM 562 Consumer Advertising and Promotion

    3 credits

    This course is a comprehensive study of the theory and practical applications of consumer advertising and sales promotion, as part of an integrated marketing communications strategy. Students identify various elements utilized by consumers to achieve tactical and strategic buying decisions. Relationship-building and ethical issues are addressed.

  • OM 564 Consumer and Marketing Research

    3 credits

    This course concentrates on the fundamental research methods: hypothesis statements, the survey process, data analysis, conclusions and presentation of research results. Research emphasis is placed on consumer buying decision-making.

  • OM 566 Relationship and Service Marketing

    3 credits

    This course examines key concepts, theories, applications, and theoretical and conceptual paradigms, including global viewpoints to develop relationship marketing organizational designs. By stressing the importance of cooperation and collaboration with suppliers and customers, relationship marketing emerges as the core of all marketing activity.

  • OM 571 Database Management Systems

    3 credits

    This course studies methodologies for logical and physical database design; entity-relationship diagrams and their mapping to database schemes. This course covers data base concepts, data base architecture, data modeling, data dictionaries, data base administration, data security and SQL (structured query language) normalization, query optimization, as well as form and report design, commercial DBMS products, concurrency, recovery, and security. Using Oracle or MS Access or other DBMS, students are responsible for creating an authentic database.

    Even years
  • OM 573 System Analysis and Design

    3 credits

    The course provides in-depth coverage of the tools, techniques and methodologies for information systems analysis and design. Other topics include client/server computing, software process management, and software quality management. Students are expected to undertake an authentic, real-world, systems-analysis-and-design project.

    Odd years
  • OM 575 Data and Computer Communications

    3 credits

    The course provides a comprehensive view of data and computer communications and examines fundamental concepts in telecommunications and networking. Topics include network technologies and services, with an emphasis on understanding digital data communications and their role in business organizations. The course explores key issues, general categories of principles, including basic concepts and terminology, various design approaches and applications in business.

  • OM 577 Special Topics in Information Technology Management

    3 credits

    This course is an examination of selected topics relevant to the development of knowledge and skills in information technology management. Possible topics include electronic commerce, software engineering, decision support and expert systems, office automation, and other leading-edge technologies.

  • OM 580 Project Management

    3 credits

    Also offered as MBA 580 . Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project’s goals and objectives. Project management is applicable to business, nonprofit and government organizations. In this course students learn to apply project management techniques to construct time lines and network diagrams, and critical path analysis. Also covered are interpersonal skills vital to managing cross-functional teams and the how to monitor project performance and take corrective actions to achieve objectives.

  • OM 585 Special Topics in Administration

    3 credits

    Examination of selected topics relevant to the development of skills in administration. Possible topics include governmental relations strategies, time management, program assessment and evaluation.

  • OM 586 Strategic Planning and Management of Change

    3 credits

    This course is an introduction to the strategic planning process and its application in managing organizational change. Techniques and skills involved in designing and implementing planned change to improve organizational adaptiveness and effectiveness in the changing political, economic, social, and technological environments.

  • OM 587 MIS Policy and Management of Technology

    3 credits

    Based on the premise that the effective management of information systems requires some level of understanding of the underlying technologies, the course emphasizes managerial issues in information systems as opposed to concentrating on technical areas. The course considers enterprise architecture as its relates to the providing organizational information systems.

  • OM 590 Seminar

    3 credits

    This is an advanced seminar offered to small groups of graduate students who wish to explore in greater depth a sub-specialty in administration that may include human resource issues and/or general management issues.

  • OM 595 Professional Contribution

    3 credits

    This course includes the design and implementation of a special project or study relevant to the expressed needs of an organization or agency.

    Prerequisite(s): Academic advisor approval
  • OM 596 Administrative Practicum

    3 credits

    This is an educationally-directed experience in an approved organizational setting. Application for the practicum must be made with the student’s academic advisor.


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