Feb 17, 2025
MIL 251 Leadership Application Laboratory no credit
Every Cadet enrolled in a Military Science course will normally enroll in and attend a weekly two-hour Leadership Lab conducted each Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. Leadership Labs are designed to allow Cadets to practice the skills and leadership traits they have received in the classroom in a tactical and hands-on setting. Cadets will be trained and tested on a wide-range of Military skills at Leadership Labs throughout the semester. Cadets will receive training and instruction in areas such as Drill and Ceremony, First Aid, Small Unit Tactics/Patrolling, Land Navigation, Weapons Assembly and Disassembly, and much more. Leadership Labs are designed to prepare Cadets to be proficient is skills that they will be expected to demonstrate during the Leadership Develop and Assessment Course held between the MS III and MS IV year. This class meets at various locations in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area for two hours each week; it is highly encouraged for students in the basic course and is required for students in the advanced course.
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