College of Arts and Sciences
Department Chair Marnie Hiester, PhD
College of Business
Interim Department Chair Zhen Ma, PhD
The five-year Psychology/Organizational Management program of study with the Business Department allows students to tailor their Psychology major to their future professional interests in human resources and management. Students complete the BS in Psychology and an MS in Organizational Management over a five-year course of study (completing the remaining 24 credits of coursework for the M.S. typically requires enrollment in the summer, fall and spring immediately following the conferral of the bachelor’s degree).
Students are guaranteed admission to the MS program in Organizational Management as long as (1) they maintain a 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA; (2) maintain a 3.0 GPA in OM core classes; and (3) complete their BS degree in Psychology as scheduled (please refer to the Psychology BS requirements for full information on the four-year requirements of the Psychology major).
Students must submit an application to the program in their junior year, and must have saved 12 credits of free elective credit which will be taken in OM courses as described below: