2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Life

Misericordia University students take their total educational experience seriously. They recognize that their academic experience is richer when they participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which contribute to their total development.


Anderson Sports and Health Center

Misericordia University encourages all students to be involved in intramural and intercollegiate athletics. The intramural program includes activities for men and women in basketball, racquetball, soccer, softball, tennis and volleyball, in addition to several other activities which are announced annually.

The intercollegiate athletic program offers competitive opportunities for women in basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, esports, field hockey, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field and volleyball. Men compete at the intercollegiate level in baseball, basketball, cross-country, esports, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball.

The University retains membership in the NCAA Division III and subscribes to its principles, policies, and regulations.

A comprehensive statement of all athletic policies is found in the publication titled Student Athlete Handbook. This publication is available to all students online at the MU Athletic website under Inside Athletics.

The Anderson Sports and Health Center is an 80,000 square foot complex which serves the academic, athletic, and recreational needs of the University. Students are encouraged to make use of the gymnasium, racquetball courts, dance/aerobic studio, fitness center, and swimming pool.

With the exception of the swimming pool, athletic facilities are open according to the following schedule:

Monday through Friday 6:15 a.m.–10:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

The swimming pool is open according to hours posted.

For more information on Misericordia Athletics, visit athletics.misericordia.edu.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry at Misericordia University serves the Mission of the University by making visible and effective our Mercy Charisms and Catholic Tradition. We seek to respond to the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy through advocacy, education and action.

We seek to reach out and respect persons of all faith backgrounds and traditions while inviting them to join us in our mission.

We do this by nurturing and celebrating our faith through prayer and liturgies; educating our students in Christian values, morals, leadership and decision making; developing in our student’s practices of prayer and reflection; fostering a passion for social justice issues that enable our students to be an advocate on behalf of those who are poor and oppressed; empowering students to be leaders in the community and on campus.

Liturgical Ministries

  • Eucharistic Ministers

  • Lectors

  • Liturgical Choir

  • Ministers of Hospitality at Liturgy

  • Sacristans

Spirituality and Faith Formation

  • Bible Studies

  • Faith Sharing/Prayer services are held seasonally

  • Praise & Worship

  • RCIA

  • Retreats

Service to Others

  • Adopt a Grandparent at Mercy Center

  • Adopt-a-Veteran

  • Blue Chip Farms Animal Rescue

  • Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm

  • Al Beech Food Pantry

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Hospitality Ministry

  • Kids on Campus/ WWC Program

  • Serendipity Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program

  • Starry Knights Tutoring at Lake Noxen Elementary School

Social Justice

  • Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassadors

  • Immigrant/Refugee Ministry

Service Trips

  • Jamaica Experience (January break)

  • Spring Break Service Trips (March)

  • Fall Break Service Trips

  • Special Mercy Leadership conferences and workshops for Students

Community Outreach Programs

  • Community Work Study Program

  • Dinner for Kids program

  • Days of service on and off campus including feeding people experience homelessness and working with children from low income households

  • Outreach programs providing meals to people experiencing homelessness

  • Mercy Leaders Program

  • McAuley Market (free food pantry) check for hours

Mass Times and Reconciliation

All Catholic Liturgies are celebrated in the University Chapel unless otherwise noted.

  • Sunday Evening Liturgy 7:00 pm
  • Weekly Liturgy schedule is Tuesday 7:00 pm
  • Adoration is held monthly

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated by appointment.

Contact Information

Campus Ministry is located in the Banks Student Life Center. For more information about our programs and services, please call 570-674-6495.

Dr. Christine Somers, Director: (570)674-6314

Lindsey Riddell, Community Outreach Coordinator: (570)674-8041

Fr. Alex Roche, Chaplain (570)674-6495

Campus Safety

The Campus Safety Department is located in Room #7 on the ground floor at the East entrance to Mercy Hall. Officers are on duty 24/7, 365 days a year, to respond to calls for service.

An operational communications center, security dispatch and remote surveillance system, is maintained at this location. Officers patrol upper and lower campus areas on foot and in vehicles, and will respond to all calls for service. The department command structure includes the Director, four Supervisors, and 20 full-time and part-time Campus Safety Officers. Officers maintain Pa. Act 235 security certification or equivalent training and are additionally qualified in response to emergency situations, first aid, CPR and automatic external defibrillator (AED). Officers work in both an armed and unarmed capacity, and have detention authority when appropriate to preserve a safe and secure campus. Supplemental armed security personnel may be employed during certain events and situations. Response to critical situations on campus, including active shooter and/or mass casualty events, is a carefully coordinated effort between Campus Safety, local law enforcement, and other emergency responders.

Clubs and Organizations

Over 35 chartered student clubs and organizations provide opportunities for personal, intellectual, and social development in a wide variety of student interests. These activities include such options as educational workshops, musical attractions, publications, and performing art shows, among others.

Services offered through the student engagement department include leadership development programs, SOAR (Student Outdoor Adventure and Recreation) new student orientation programs, activities information, resources for programming and fundraising, a weekly bulletin, and the semester activities calendar.

Counseling and Psychological Services Center (CAPS)

Counselors are available to meet with students to explore a wide variety of issues. Common concerns addressed are stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, academic distress, and substance abuse/addiction issues. The counseling staff is committed to helping students find appropriate and effective ways of managing their areas of concern.

All students are eligible for at least one initial assessment and consultation session to discuss their concerns and receive recommendations about potential services and resources. Regarding individual counseling services, only full-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for ongoing individual counseling services beyond the first session. After participating in the initial assessment and consultation session, students enrolled part-time may be provided with information about local resources that provide individual counseling as well as other services.

All students (i.e., part-time, full-time, undergraduate, graduate) are eligible to participate in all of the other services that the CAPS Center offers, including couples counseling, workshops, group counseling, substance abuse and addiction counseling, consultation services, referral services, and crisis intervention. The CAPS Center also sponsors several student peer associate groups (e.g., Active Minds, HOPE, and Peer Advocates) and offers outreach programming on a variety of personal development topics and issues throughout the academic year.

All counseling services are provided free of charge to currently enrolled students. Additionally, the topic of confidentiality is taken very seriously at the CAPS Center, since counseling often involves sharing personal and private information. Confidentiality is maintained in compliance with state and federal laws as well as professional ethics and standards. Client files at the CAPS Center are securely stored separately from students’ academic, medical, or career services records. Information may not be released to anyone without the written consent of the student, except in rare cases, such as dangerousness to self or others, which the counselor will discuss in greater detail at the first session.

Regarding referrals, the CAPS Center utilizes a short-term counseling model and is not equipped to treat all types of psychological concerns. Some students may require more specialized or comprehensive treatment than what we can offer and will be referred to resources in the community. If applicable, the counselor will discuss these options in greater detail and answer any questions to support the student in making informed decisions. If desired by the student, the CAPS Center is also available to consult with any current or prospective providers to provide information and help to ensure a smooth transition for continued care.

Counseling appointments may be made anytime online at https://misericordia.titaniumhwc.com/capsappt. Alternatively, students may call (570-674-6408) or visit the CAPS Center, located on the lower level of McGowan Hall, to schedule an appointment during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.). General inquiries about our services can also be emailed to [email protected]

Faculty, staff, or students who would like to consult about a non-emergency concern or refer a student may email our Consultant On Call ([email protected]), call (570-674-6408), or walk with thestudent to the CAPS Center during business hours to ensure access to CAPS Center services.

A Counselor on Call is also available 24/7 for on-campus mental health emergencies, accessed by contacting a RA/RD or Campus Safety at 570-674-6300 (Note: The Counselor on Call service is not in operation over university holidays, winter break, or over the summer). For off-campus mental health emergencies, students should call 911 or the National Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hotline (800-273-8255).

COVID-19 Considerations

During the COVID-19 era, the preferred modality for CAPS Center services will be through telemental health, utilizing HIPAA-compliant software to ensure that confidentiality is maintained. Additionally, face-to-face counseling services will also be available, particularly for addressing emergency circumstances, supporting students who are unable to access telemental health services, or when there would be a clinically-significant benefit for services to be delivered face-to-face.

Telemental health services will be available to all students residing in Pennsylvania (on- or off-campus). For students residing out-of-state, the eligibility for CAPS Center telemental health counseling services will be determined by the state licensure laws in each of their respective states. The details of eligibility are anticipated to continually evolve in each state, depending on the state of emergency and accommodations for out-of-state providers. Although traditional individual counseling services might at times be limited for some out-of-state students, all out-of-state students always remain eligible for all other CAPS Center services, including Consultant On Call services, online mental health screenings, workshops, educational/prevention programming, and participation with CAPS peer associate groups (e.g., Active Minds, HOPE, and Peer Advocates).

Substance Abuse or Addictions Counseling

The CAPS Center provides substance abuse or addiction counseling services. These services may include screening and assessment, individual counseling, or group counseling.

In addition to substances (e.g., alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, etc.), addiction counseling may also address other process addictions (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that may interfere with responsibilities or concerns, such as academics, work, relationships, or health.

Sometimes students may have substance dependence or addiction issues that require more intensive services than those offered at the CAPS Center. In these circumstances, students will be referred to off-campus treatment programs in the community that provide those specialized services. The CAPS Center does not provide any court-mandated drug education classes, assessments, evaluations, or court-mandated treatment services.

Appointments for substance abuse or addictions counseling may be made during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) by calling (570-674-6408) or visiting the CAPS Center, located on the lower level of McGowan Hall.

Governing Boards

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a parent organization to all chartered student groups on campus. It comprises an executive board, class officers, club officers, commuter representative, and a resident hall representative. The primary purpose of SGA is to oversee student groups, to sponsor events that meet the needs of the students, and to address concerns of the student body. The SGA office is located in the Banks Student Life Center. Copies of the Student Government Association charter are on file in the SGA Office, Student Engagement Office, and the Vice President of Student Life Office and on the SGA page on myMU. 

Email address: [email protected]

Adult Education Advisory Committee (AEAC)

To provide an environment that is open to the ideas of Misericordia University’s adult students in both the undergraduate and graduate programs and to serve as a discussion forum for topics and issues relevant to adult learners.

They will look to help affect change in the adult learning environment with the goal of making it even more conductive and/or responsive to the needs of adult students and to help increase the visibility and participation of adult students on the Misericordia University campus and in the community.

Adult Education Advisory Committee Advisor – Lisa Miller

Health and Wellness Center

The Student Health & Wellness Center, located on the lower level of the Anderson Sports/Health Center, is under the direction of a full time, Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP, FNP-BC). The staff also includes a Registered Nurse (RN) and an Administrative Assistant. As reflected in its name, the Center is dedicated to the health and wellness needs of our students here at Misericordia University. Our goal is to provide the best possible evidence-based health care in a manner which is competent, compassionate, confidential and timely, all within an atmosphere of mutual respect and responsibility without regard to race, gender, ethnic heritage, or sexual orientation. The Health & Wellness Center adheres to the principles and standards of ethical conduct endorsed by the American College Health Association: To do no harm, provide services in a caring manner, respect autonomy, protect privacy, maintain competence, promote justice, and respect diversity. Furthermore, the Center strives to be exemplars of the Sisters of Mercy’s charisms of mercy, service, justice and hospitality in every encounter we have with our patients. The Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse are available by appointment to assess and treat both acute and chronic medical conditions. Faculty members, staff and visitors are advised to seek care from their primary care providers (PCP). In the event that a student should miss class due to illness, it is his/her responsibility to contact their professor and advise them of the situation. The Health & Wellness Center can issue a note stating that the student was indeed seen in the Center, but by no means does this qualify as an excuse. Students requiring hospitalization, or those afflicted with an acute or long-term illness that requires several days in bed and restriction from class, will be advised by the Center’s Director to return to their homes until classes can be resumed. For the safety of all students, it is required that students diagnosed with a communicable disease (measles, chicken pox, etc.) be sent home. Permission to return to campus must be provided in writing from the student’s primary care provider.  

Electronic Medical Records

The University has chosen to utilize the services of Medicat (Electronic Medical Records) for the collection of all required health forms. Students are required to pay a one-time fee of $25.00. As this is a web-based system, the student will have continuous access to their medical records as well as the ability to make updates when needed. Students are required to update their medical forms annually including insurance information as well as any other changes to health forms. Information regarding Medicat can be found on the myMU portal under the Orientation tab as well as at the one-day orientations, which all students are required to attend. All current students are able to access Medicat by clicking on the Student Life Tab on top of myMU page, then click on Health & Wellness tab to the left, then click on Medicat on the left. All full-time students, regardless of their housing status, are required to register with Medicat to submit all health forms. Such forms include, but are not limited to, a physical by their primary care provider; verification of immunization including a meningitis booster (Menactra) after their 16th birthday; as well as proof of health insurance coverage. Part time students not registered with Medicat may be seen at the Health Center but will need to complete the necessary paperwork, including health history, authorization form, Insurance card and student ID.  

Billing for Services

The Health & Wellness Center is utilizing a billing company, Medical Health Care Solutions (MHS). The Health Center bills 3rd party payers and is credentialed with the following insurance companies: 

For a list of participating insurance companies please check out the Health Center website or https://mymu.misericordia.edu/ICS/Campus_Life/Health_and_Wellness/-BILLING.jnz

***Even if listed above, Please check with your insurance company to see if you are covered by our provider or group:

Sandra J Federo, CRNP (NPI# 1447382270)

Group 1366911620

or 24-0795406

If your insurance is not listed you can still seek medical care at the Health Center. There is no co-payment required. You will be responsible for payment of services rendered.

Each student is required to bring insurance card and photo ID to each appointment. Some insurances require a referral or pre-authorization from their PCP before being seen/treated.

If your insurance company requires a referral then you are responsible to obtain the referral. Bring the referral at the time of the appointment or fax to 570-674-3062 prior to your appointment.

Some insurances may provide the student with a Guest Pass (so we suggest that you contact your insurance carrier to see if you can get a guest pass to utilize the Health Center during your time at Misericordia). Co-Payments will be waived as part of the student health fee; however, students will be responsible for their deductibles, co-insurance payments and any services not covered by your health insurance plan. MHS will send students a bill for services rendered. Payments can be made via check or credit card.  A “HOLD” will be placed on the students’ account if payment is not received after 3 billing cycles. A reminder text message will be sent to the student’s cell phone number.

Self-Care and Resource Room

Within the Health & Wellness Center is the Self Care & Resource room. This room is designed as a teaching model in order to encourage and empower our students to be proactive with their health care needs. This room contains a plethora of up-to-date educational materials in addition to basic over-the-counter (OTC) medications and supplies – all at no cost to our students. In addition, through a partnership with several local Pharmacies and Pharmedix, the Health & Wellness Center keeps on hand a supply of commonly used prescriptions in order to provide convenient, point-of-care service for our students. There is a $10.00 charge for these prescriptions. In keeping with our Catholic values, the Health & Wellness Center does not distribute condoms or any other type of birth control. 

Health Insurance Requirement

All full-time undergraduate students carrying a minimum of 12 credits are required to have health insurance. Each year, students will be required to either complete a hard waiver, or select the University sponsored health insurance plan. Students will be notified in the spring when they can begin the waiver or selection process. For additional information, please contact the Office of Student Life.

Hours of Operation

The Health & Wellness Center is open daily Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed daily from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch).

If medical services are needed after hours students are advised to contact their Resident Assistant (RA) or Campus Safety.  A comprehensive list of after-hours clinics and hospitals can be found on the Health Center page: https://mymu.misericordia.edu/ICS/Campus_Life/Health_and_Wellness/-AFTER_HOURS_CARE.jnz


Testing available at the Health Center via point of care while supplies last and via 3 local labs.

Detailed information available on the Health Center page under Coronavirus at https://mymu.misericordia.edu/ICS/Campus_Life/Health_and_Wellness/Coronavirus.jnz

Please contact the Health & Wellness Center at (570) 674-6276 should you have any questions.

Residence Life

The Office of Residence Life works to improve the quality of life in all residential facilities and to promote personal development through community living experiences. The office, through its staff of resident hall directors and resident assistants, can address student concerns, ranging from roommate difficulties to the physical condition of a student’s room. The staff also provides residents with a wide range of recreational, educational, and cultural programs to enrich their experience. Administrative functions, such as housing assignments and replacing keys, are also handled by this office.

At Misericordia University, the residential facilities serve two purposes in accommodating a student’s overall university experience: to live and to learn. Living and sharing with others is a vital part of one’s educational experience at Misericordia. Through programming, the Residence Life department provides opportunities for students to build relationships and connections that will last a lifetime. Within the residential facilities, students are challenged to make decisions that not only affect their lives, but those around them as well.

The Office of Residence Life assists the residential students in their academic success and growth as a professional and a person. Residence Life staff members work in unison with the students to create and maintain an environment conducive to academic success and individual growth.

Residential Facilities

Misericordia University manages nine residential facilities: McHale Hall, Alumnae Hall, Gildea Hall, MacDowell Hall, McGowan Hall, Townhouse Complex, two houses on Lake Street and Graduate Housing at the Machell Ave Residence.

  • Alumnae Hall – is a traditional co-ed standard double room residence that houses first year and upper class students. This residence is connected to McGowan Hall where students share modern recreational lounges, study areas and a full kitchen facility.
  • Gildea Hall – are suites for upper class students, co-ed by unit and holding three, six or seven occupants. All suites contain a full bath and common room area. The facility is air conditioned with elevator access and offers recreational/study lounges and kitchenettes.
  • MacDowell Hall- consists of three and five person apartments. The three person apartments have one single bedroom and one double bedroom, while the five person apartments have one single bedroom and two double bedrooms. All apartments are air conditioned, have full kitchens (stove, refrigerator, microwave and dishwasher), a furnished living room, and a bathroom. The building has on-site laundry and two lounges.
  • McGowan Hall – is a modern double room facility for upper class and first year students with a private full bathroom shared with the bedroom next door. The second and fourth floor lounges are equipped with a full size kitchen and study areas. The third floor lounge contains all the same amenities minus the kitchen.
    • The R.E.A.C.H. (Residents Excelling in Academics, Community, and Health) program is located within McGowan Hall. This community is committed to academic excellence and a substance-free lifestyle.
  • McHale Hall - is a traditional standard double room residence that houses first year students. It is co-ed by floor/wing and is equipped with air conditioning and elevator access. Fireside Lounge is located on the main floor and serves as a recreational area with a full kitchen facility.
  • Townhouse Complex - consists of eighteen individual townhouse units for upper class students. Each is equipped with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a common living room and full kitchen. This residence is co-ed by unit and houses six students.
  • Lake Street Houses – the White House @ 120 Lake St & Yellow House at 179 Lake St are facilities on our lower campus for upper class students that offer the full amenities of a typical household with a kitchen and laundry facility.
  • Machell Avenue Residence – this Graduate housing facility consists of nine single rooms and four double rooms. The facility is air conditioned and has a full size kitchen, living room, on-site laundry, parking and five bathrooms.

Theme Housing for 1st Year Students

There is a broad variety of themed communities for incoming first year students to pick from which will give them the opportunity to find something that best fits their interests. ​All first year students are able to rank their choice of theme and are then placed accordingly in either McHale, Alumnae or McGowan Hall.


The University has determined that in the best interests of the students, the institution, and the community, that all traditional entering first-year students whose permanent residence is further than a 40 mile radius of the University are required to live in campus housing for a minimum of 2 academic years (4 academic semesters).

On-campus housing is provided for full-time undergraduate (12 credits or more) students under the age of 25 who have not earned an undergraduate degree. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis depending on the circumstance and the availability of space; however, students 25 years or older may not reside on campus. On a space- available basis, part-time students may be provided housing at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life. Residence Life does offer graduate student housing at the Machell Ave. Residence. Space is limited.

Resident students must provide the Health Center with proof of health insurance, meningitis, TB and MMR vaccinations through Medicat. Failure to provide or maintain this status will result in the loss of housing privileges.

Each residential student must sign the campus housing agreement. This agreement is binding for the entire fall and spring semesters and states that the student will remain in residence for the duration of this agreement. Any release from this agreement is permitted only under the conditions of academic withdrawal or other extreme extenuating circumstances, and only with the approval from the Director of Residence life after review by the University Housing Committee. Any request for release must be submitted in writing to the Director of Residence Life. Request for spring semester release must be submitted by December 1. Percentage of refund of room-and-board fees will be determined by the actual date of departure established by officially checking out and returning all keys to the Residence Life Office.

Graduate Housing

Housing for graduate students is available at the Machell Ave. Residence on a first come, first serve basis until spaces are fully occupied. Space is limited. Students interested in this housing option can complete the graduate housing application which can be found on Misericordia.edu or the Residence Life page on MyMU. Housing at Machell is based on 9 month (Sept-May), 5 month (Jan-May) for returning OT students, and 12 month lease options. No meal plans are required for graduate students living at Machell.

Student Media

All students may serve as staff members of multiple national and state award-winning student media outlets. Students write, shoot, edit, perform on-air, and do studio work for several television shows on the campus television station MCN 87 as well as campus sports live programming. Staff members of The Highlander newspaper publish a full color broadsheet print version biweekly and an online version each week at www.highlandernews.net. Students also contribute the on-air and studio talent for Cougar Radio, which streams worldwide on www.cougarradio.net. Students in Service by Design, an advertising, public relations, and graphic design club, create print and electronic/social media marketing pieces for non-profit organizations in the community.​ Students can also show off their artistic talents in the literary magazine Instress, which is published each spring. It contains thought-provoking stories, poetry, essays, art, photography, music, and other creative works of both students and faculty.